The 48 hour Fast

I had a client that booked a session with me to help him lose weight. You see he had tried many times to lose weight,

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

A person uses Obsessive Compulsive (OCD) to manage anxiety. People with this disorder may not disclose it to others because of its embarrassing nature.

Panic Disorder & Agoraphobia

When a person has a panic attack it may have nothing to do with their environment, and is brought on by a faulty panic switch which is brought on by faulty thinking. It normally starts with late adolescence or early adulthood.

Lead & Promote Change

Leaders are not just at the top of organisations; they are at many levels throughout the organisation. On many occasions’ directives come from above that are in the best interest of the organisation but may be disagreeable to staff members. So how then does a leader bring in change and gain the support of their staff?