What is the power of meditation? How does meditation work? How can I benefit from meditation? You can learn to unlock the power of your mind.
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Generalised anxiety disorder is common. Are you constantly worrying? Feeling panicked? GAD can take over your life and make it unbearable.
Separation & Divorce
Separation and divorce is rated as the most stressful event in life. It can cause trauma to all involved but it could be managed peacefully.
Alcohol and Aggression
Consumption of alcohol can lead to aggression which can lead to arguments. And the stats show that being intoxicated often leads to violence.
Stop Seeking Approval
Approval seeking is a self-defeating behaviour. Stop it now!. Learn more here.
Responsibility. Are you responsible? Blaming others for your current situation? Believe that somebody else is responsible for your dilemma?
Acute & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Acute & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. How do I know if I have ATSD or PTSD? What can I do about ATSD? What can I do about PTSD?
Panic Attack
Panic Attacks are real. Awareness and the use of correct techniques can bring the body and mind back from the fight / flight reaction.
The Useless Emotions of Guilt & Worry
Are you consuming large amounts your present moments with the useless emotions of guilt & worry? They stop you from enjoying now.
Feeling worn out all the time?
How come I am feeling worn out all the time? Why am I always under pressure? How come I can’t seem to relax? What can I do about this?
Anger Management
Unable to control your anger? Unable to process frustrations calmly? Hurting the people you love?
Then it is time to learn more about anger management.
How to Use Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are a great tool for reprogramming your subconscious mind from negative thinking to positive thinking. The idea is to take positive statements of what you would like to manifest and repeat these enough times so that it becomes Impregnated into your subconscious mind. Positive affirmations work the same way that negative self-talk does but in a way that will benefit you.