Take Responsibility & become that happy person again.
stress management
Acute & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Learn more about Acute and Post traumatic Stress Disorders. Use the self-checker to see what is going on.
The Power of Meditation
Mindfulness meditation can be used for a multitude of mental and physical illnesses but also for general wellbeing and focus.
Panic Attack
Panic Attacks are real. Awareness and the use of correct techniques can bring the body and mind back from the fight / flight reaction.
The Useless Emotions of Guilt & Worry
Many people spend large amounts of time consuming their present moments with two useless thought patterns: Guilt and worry. Guilt is in the past and worry is in the future and both stop present moment enjoyment.
Feeling worn out all the time?
Are you feeling worn out all the time? You maybe suffering from mental exhaustion
What is Borderline Personality Disorder ?
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is one of the lesser understood mental health disorders. It is surprisingly common, indeed one of the most common personality disorders in Australia. It affects up to 4 in every 100 people at some time in their lives. It can be distressing for the person with BPD and the people around them.
How to Use Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are a great tool for reprogramming your subconscious mind from negative thinking to positive thinking. The idea is to take positive statements of what you would like to manifest and repeat these enough times so that it becomes Impregnated into your subconscious mind. Positive affirmations work the same way that negative self-talk does but in a way that will benefit you.
Approval Seeking Behaviour
Approval seeking is a self-defeating behaviour. Many young people seek approval from their peers, they wear the same types of clothes which their peers are wearing. They spend a lot of money on making themselves look good because it’s what society and the media broadcasts.
The All Mighty Powerful Ego
So often I have clients and students that are having problems in their lives which relates to their ego. The ego is such a powerful part of our consciousness. It can build greatness and at the same time ruin our happiness. On the one hand our ego helps us to become better versions of ourselves, but on the other hand, it destroys relationships, separates us, causes ill feeling towards each other, brings about jealousy, resentment and defiles our own minds.
The Stages of Change
A look into the stages of change and how to work which stage you are at.
The 48 hour Fast
I had a client that booked a session with me to help him lose weight. You see he had tried many times to lose weight,