What is relationship abuse?
Relationship abuse does not start immediately. Relationships start off wonderful feeling warm, fuzzy and loved. Abuse starts slowly at first.
But if you are reading this short article then there may be concerns in your relationship. You could even be dealing with a narcissist. Read more about What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? (NPD). Now a person could have some narcissistic traits but not have NPD. These types of partners are still very toxic to live with though.
Signs of relationship abuse
There are 11 signs of emotional and relationship abuse though for you to watch out for:
- Isolation
- Jealousy
- Possessiveness
- Double standards. Different rules.
- Demeaning and hurtful Name-calling (stupid, dumb, lazy, idiot, etc.) If you allow the name-calling behaviour than you have passively consented to it and it could escalate to physical abuse.
- Controlling behaviours. If your partner calls all the times or texts you all the time then this is controlling behaviour.
- Unrealistic, unfair, even forceful demands.
- Threats of self-harm or suicide if the other partner does not comply.
- Playing rough
- Non-consensual sex
- Violence
The pattern of relationship abuse
An abusive relationship does not start off abusive. It starts near the top of the list. The boundaries are tested and pushed to see how much the partner will passively consent to. Remembering that if you say nothing or do nothing against the abuse then you are actually consenting to the abuse. All the above behaviours are forms of emotional and relationship abuse.
Are you being treated this way? The answer is to get help.
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