How to build healthy relationships?
Building healthy relationships are good for you. Supportive and loving relationships are more likely to make you feel happy and satisfied. A healthy relationship with your partner and family members can improve your life, wellbeing and make everyone feel good about themselves.
Building healthy relationships don’t happen on their own though. They take time to build and need work to keep them rolling happily along. The more positive effort you put into a relationship, the healthier it should be.
Healthy relationships are supportive and loving. These types of relationships a more likely to make you feel happy and content in life. A healthy relationship with your partner, children and other family members can improve your life and their lives in many ways.
Signs of a healthy relationship
Healthy relationships are based on:
- Respect and trust
- Treating each other as equals
- Meeting each other’s expectations.
- Open and honest communication
- Understanding one another
- Shared value system about the important matters
- Having shared and individual interests
- Doing stuff together
- Caring for each other
What are the benefits of building healthy relationships?
Healthy relationships can:
- Increase your feelings of worth and belongingness
- Help build your self-confidence
- Help you overcome adversity in your life
Communication and healthy relationships?
Maintaining a healthy relationship it’s all about communication. You need to talk and listen to each other regularly and effectively. Misunderstandings in a relationship will happen. This can lead to some are being upset or feeling hurt or confused about what was said.
So when you are communicating with another make sure you:
- Be clear about what you want to say.
- Go to great effort to understand the other person.
- Make sure that you have understood correctly.
Loving each other doesn’t necessarily mean you know what the other person is thinking or that you will be able to communicate well.
Improve your communication
To improve the communication in your relationship you may:
- Schedule time in to sit down talk about stuff.
- Give 100% undivided attention to that person.
- Make and keep eye contact whilst communicating.
- Actively listen to each other.
- Be honest and respectful.
- Talk about what is happening both the small and big.
- Tell your partner what you want and need.
- Remember that only 7% of communication is verbal. Non-verbal communication includes your body language, and how you say the words you speak.
Read about Better Communication
Maintaining healthy relationships?
Maintaining healthy relationships is important and takes work on everybody’s part. I don’t believe that any relationship is perfect, but you really need more happiness in the relationship then distress. Read more about Stress Management and Anger Management
Some tips for building healthy relationship.
- Be honest about your expectations – each partner should write a list of what they expect from their partner. Then they need to sit down and honestly work through each other’s list, attempting to understand what’s important to each other. You may find out some truths that you did not realise. You may also need to collaborate to meet half way with other expectations.
- Be clear about what you want – Make your point clear and be honest while respecting the other person’s point of view. Use ‘I’ statements instead of critical ‘you’ statements. For example: “I become upset when you leave the Dirty dishes in the sink. Could you please……….”
- Admit your mistake quickly – This is really important. If you’ve made a mess of it then own up. Apologise and attempt to move forward in a positive way correcting the error.
More tips
- Show your appreciation — Relationships can become routine after a while, and we can really start to take your partner for granted. Decide to spend special time together and remember to show your affection towards them.
- Make the relationship a priority – It can be super hard to find that balance between partner, children, other family members and friends. Not to mention you having time for yourself, your health, your wealth, your fitness and your hobbies. But when you make the relationship your priority then magical things happen to your togetherness.
- Have shared interests – Find stuff that you guys can do together. For example: my partner and I go kayaking and rock climbing together. My son and I surf and rock climb together.
- Find solutions that work for both of you – Conflict will occur in all relationships. Show respect for each other, excepting the differences and also the similarities. Try and find solutions to the concerns, compromising when necessary, and always remaining respectful to each other.
- Schedule family time – Finding time together as a family can be difficult. However, organising get-togethers on a regular basis will keep the family united and strong bonded.
Are you having relationship issues?
All relationships have ups and downs. It’s normal to have differences of opinion but that makes us unique as an individual. One can become a little hot headed at times too. To handle disagreements better read: Work through a Disagreement before it becomes an Argument . It is also a fact of life that people do change and so do relationships.
Your relationship can become unhealthy when one partner has more power than another, or there is evidence of relationship abuse. Relationship abuse comes in various forms, and one needs to be aware when this is happening. Read more about (Relationship Abuse) and What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? & Relationship Abuse
Relationships do end
Relationships do end. Let’s face it. There might be many reasons for this and in many cases it is a painful time for all involved. It might take quite a few years to recover from the end of a long-term relationship. Folks may also developed serious health and emotional problems due to the termination obvious togetherness. Read more about Separation & Divorce & The Power of Meditation
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