Anger Management

Unable to control your anger? Unable to process frustrations calmly? Hurting the people you love?
Then it is time to learn more about anger management.

Relationship Abuse

Relationship abuse does not start immediately. Relationships start off wonderful feeling warm, fuzzy and loved. Abuse starts slowly at first.

Building Healthy Relationships

Building healthy relationships
Healthy relationships are good for you. Supportive and loving relationships are more likely to make you feel happy and satisfied. A healthy relationship with your partner and family members can improve your life, wellbeing and make everyone feel good about themselves.

Becoming Offended

Are you offended easily? Do you become angry if some says something you do not like? Does your self-worth depend on what others say about you?

Separation & Divorce

Separation and divorce is rated as the most stressful event in life. It can cause trauma to all involved but it could be managed peacefully.

Alcohol and Aggression

Consumption of alcohol can lead to aggression which can lead to arguments. And the stats show that being intoxicated often leads to violence.


Responsibility. Are you responsible? Blaming others for your current situation? Believe that somebody else is responsible for your dilemma?

Panic Attack

Panic Attacks are real. Awareness and the use of correct techniques can bring the body and mind back from the fight / flight reaction.