Unable to control your anger? Unable to process frustrations calmly? Hurting the people you love?
Then it is time to learn more about anger management.
Becoming Offended
Are you offended easily? Do you become angry if some says something you do not like? Does your self-worth depend on what others say about you?
Right or Wrong Decisions
Leaders. Make the right decisions more often through this process. Leadership at its best.
Separation & Divorce
Separation and divorce is rated as the most stressful event in life. It can cause trauma to all involved but it could be managed peacefully.
Alcohol and Aggression
Alcohol fueled aggression and violence is a major problem in our society. Learn more about this ugly cocktail in this article.
Stop Seeking Approval
Approval seeking is a self-defeating behaviour. Stop it now!. Learn more here.
Time to take Responsibility
Are you blaming others for your current situation? Do you believe that somebody else is responsible for your dilemma? Then It is time for you to take responsibility
Acute & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
What is Acute Traumatic Stress Disorder (ATSD)? What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? How do I know if I have ATSD or PTSD?
Panic Attack
Panic Attacks are real. Awareness and the use of correct techniques can bring the body and mind back from the fight / flight reaction.
Feeling worn out all the time?
How come I am worn out all the time? Why am I always under pressure? How come I can’t seem to relax? What can I do about this?
What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
NPD is a mental condition where individuals have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration
Work through a Disagreement before it becomes an Argument
It is always good to head off an argument before it gets going. So, manage disagreements before they become arguments. There are a number of ways to do this.