Relationship Abuse

Relationship abuse does not start immediately. Relationships start off wonderful feeling warm, fuzzy and loved. Abuse starts slowly at first.


Detachment is not an easy thing to do. Remove the needs and must haves from your life and see true calmness and contentment return.

Staying Positive with Cancer

Stating positive with cancer is by no means easy. I wanted to write this article because I had a client of mine was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and needed an operation to have a cancerous tumor removed. After the operation, the client then sat with the specialist and was told some interesting facts.

Stress Management

Do you need stress management? Feeling under pressure? Cant relax? Always tired? Poor concentration? Then maybe you do.

The Power of Meditation

What is the power of meditation? How does meditation work? How can I benefit from meditation? You can learn to unlock the power of your mind.

Separation & Divorce

Separation and divorce is rated as the most stressful event in life. It can cause trauma to all involved but it could be managed peacefully.

Alcohol and Aggression

Consumption of alcohol can lead to aggression which can lead to arguments. And the stats show that being intoxicated often leads to violence.


Responsibility. Are you responsible? Blaming others for your current situation? Believe that somebody else is responsible for your dilemma?