Then how do you create a positive mindset?
Many things come to mind when people ask me about how I live my life, how I create a positive mindset. Many folks move through life dragging their feet, low in energy, and always thinking negatively. They wish for a better life but they change nothing about their mindset. So their wishes just stay wishes and never really eventuate into anything more. But there are ways to change the way you look at things. Here is a quick summary of the mindset that I use most days. Sometimes I fall off the horse but then I will get back on and keep going. These suggestions will go a long way to help you.
- Reverse judgement and disbelief
- Declare yourself as a NO limits person
- Listen to your intuition
- Learn through trusting and knowing instead of fear and doubting
- Know that your intentions create your reality
- Surrender your need to be right
- Act as if the life you want is already here
- Ask nothing of anyone and practice unconditional acceptance
- Develop authentic self power, instead of trying to take it from others
- Meditate daily
So this is how I create a positive mindset day in day out.
Positive Mindset Affirmation
I read this affirmation everyday:
- I am in the process of creating the miracle that I deserve.
- I am willing to release that which has inhibited me up until now.
- I trust that I am not alone and that I will receive guidance when I’m ready.
- I am ready now.
- I know that I have the capacity to accomplish anything that I can conceive of in my mind.
- I am willing to do what it takes to make my vision a reality.
From the book “Real Magic” by Dr Wayne W Dyer. I urge you to read it: https://www.amazon.com.au/Real-Magic-Dr-Wayne-Dyer/dp/0060935820
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Credit: Wayne W Dyer